New Song for Civilians "Let Me Ascertain You" at Joe's Pub

I had the honor of working with the Civilians Theater Company on their concert series "Let Me Ascertain You" where they take interviews and use them to create new songs and monologues around a certain theme.

This concert was all about ANARCHY, and I had the privilege of writing a song about a man named Kerry (Weishin) who emigrated from China at the age of 9 after the Tiananmen Square riots in 1989. In his interview he compares the police brutality he witnessed as a child with what he saw happen in Ferguson, and raised questions about how Democracy and Communism can look so similar despite their core fundamental differences.

I had the honor of having Cindy Cheung perform the song with me. Video is on it's way!

Premiering "Afterland" at Joe's Pub!

On Monday Feb. 4th @ 7PM, Katie and I are premiering the title song from our musical Afterland as part of the latest Cutting Edge Composers concert, produced by Laura Pietropinto and Jillian Robbins and music directed by Julie McBride.

We are so excited to have four incredible singers performing our song: Katie Thompson, Matt Saldivar, Jason Gotay and Preston Sadleir. Not to mention a full band along with the incredible Doug Goldstein on banjo!

I'll update with a video after the concert, but for now, here's the Press Release on Broadway World, and click HERE to BUY TICKETS